Once Upon A Time In The West ~ 狂沙人生


 Once Upon a Time in the West

既相逢 卻匆匆
攜手佳人 和淚折殘紅
春縱在 與誰同?

背歸鴻 去吳中
回首彭城 清泗與淮通

流不到 楚江東

如夢與如幻 塵煙歲月裡
我們流離著 我們徘徊著
以為路畢直 以為道平坦

以為人心善 以為風吹柔
想是情長在 當然誓言真

再回首一望 路是彎曲折

道是坎不盈 人情世故寒
風吹時有雨 暮色遮霞光
褪去金縷衣 青春不復返
繁華盡落去 往事淚與嘆

我擰著青春的包 揹著紅顏的袋
扛著不知天高地厚 滿是抱負的行囊

皎若初旭 灼若芙蕖
婀娜多姿 百媚千嬌
大鞭一揮 義無反顧 頭也不回
天高地闊 黄沙印月 狂嘯而過
奔向 心中的淨土~~~

渡過紅塵的川 穿過歲月的河

沿途 楚江兩岸 奼紫嫣紅
草綠花豔 雲白天藍 景色怡人
看似風和日麗 鳥語花香 垂柳輕拂
以為路畢直平坦 以為薰風迎面柔

然而 然而
狂風暴雨至 冷冬冰雪下

路是彎曲折 道是坎不盈
人情世故寒 人心也難測
繳了許多學費 還是學不會聰明

凋零的落花 隨風飄搖
常是情傷難過 暗夜淚滴

織梭光景 黑夜白畫 江河望盡
殷殷昐昐 人兒不見 暮落歸遲
斜暉脈脈 過盡千帆 寂染江樓
千絲萬縷恨繞指 鏡花水月誓言空

慢慢的 慢慢的 時間是良藥
再回首一望 山是山 水是水
雲淡風輕 紅霞銀月
扇撲流螢 笑泯恩仇

亂花飛紅 春夢殘存
回眸輕擁 善心以對

潮起雲湧 憶遙思空 往事皆隨風

可嘆 可嘆
繁華璀燦 情如煙花
人生呀 人生 何來人間
春去秋來 朝晨夕晚
如夢幻泡影 如露亦如電~~~

 Once Upon a Time in the West

No Commercial Value
無商用 若侵權 告之速删

  •   mary999 於 2017-01-21 09:18 1F

  • no it was a lady named Edda Dell'Orso and here is the wiki about the movie:

    Main article: Once Upon a Time in the West (soundtrack)

    The music was written by composer Ennio Morricone, Leone's regular collaborator, who wrote the score under Leone's direction before filming began.

    As in The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, the haunting music contributes to the film's grandeur and, like the music for The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, is considered one of Morricone's greatest compositions.

    The film features leitmotifs that relate to each of the main characters (each with their own theme music) as well as to the spirit of the American West.

    Especially compelling are the wordless vocals by Italian singer Edda Dell'Orso during the theme music for the Claudia Cardinale character.

    It was Leone's desire to have the music available and played during filming. Leone had Morricone compose the score before shooting started and would play the music in the background for the actors on set.

    Except for about a minute of the "Judgment" motif, before Harmonica kills the three outlaws, no soundtrack music is played until at the end of the second scene, when Henry Fonda makes his first entry.

    This may perhaps not seem particularly strange, even though Morricone's music is usually considered to be a vital part of Sergio Leone's western films.

    During the beginning of the film, Leone instead uses a number of natural sounds, for instance a turning wheel in the wind, sound of a train, grasshoppers, shotguns while hunting, wings of pigeons, etc., in addition to the harmonica played by Bronson's character, since that sound is "explained" by the fact that the sound of the harmonica is diegetic rather than a true soundtrack.

    ~~ by lytken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC20KYQxtWs