這是真實詐騙案例, Russia俄羅斯Viktoriia Konevskikh (Love Scram)愛情詐騙信 (1)


Love Scram 愛情詐騙
來自Russia 俄國的女性 Viktoriia Konevskikh (Love Scram)愛情詐騙 



Viktoriia Konevskikh 用很多各種名字, 
不同的E-Mail Address 寄信詐騙錢!
網路平台有許多她的資料, 如下:
Name - Viktoriia Konevskikh, viktoriia aleksandrovna, 
City - Salavat
Phone - +791748037231,79696274029, 79696274168
<[email protected]>
<[email protected]>
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
假名 Fake Name: 
Vica, Vickky, Vicky, Victora, Victoriia, Victoriya, 
Victorya, Vika, Viki, Viktiorianna, Viktoria, 
Viktorichik, Viktoriia, Viktorija, Viktoriunka, 
Viktoriuska, Viktoriya, Vikusechek, Vikusi, Vikuska
Ekaterinburg (Russia); Nizhniy Novgorod , Russia
Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Ilinskaya str., house 8, apt 17

有一台灣70歲的老男人 , Taiwanese, 70 years old man, 
2017/4, 他收到來自
俄國莫斯科的女性Viktoriia Konevskikh來信, 
自稱30歲, 單身, 要與這位台灣老男人交友, 
每天寫 Love you, Miss you, Kiss you, Sleep with you
要來台灣, 嫁給他, 共組幸福家庭! 

2017/4 -2018/10
這俄國女人Viktoriia Konevskikh 開始說她媽媽生病要借錢, 
人在莫斯科, 錢包被偷了, 流落街頭, 賣房子, 投資可賺錢, 很多理由, 很多藉口... 
叫台灣老男人用 MoneyGram 匯款平台, 
台灣老男人就陸陸續續匯一些美金...後來共匯USD54, 550.- 
(連同卡債利息, 借款利息, 手續費, 匯差, 共計約USD70, 000.-)

(從桃園 凱基銀行代理的 MoneyGram匯款平台, 匯出)
(去了凱基銀行好幾拾次, 一個老男人, 通通抱新台幣現金去匯, 
桃園 凱基銀行的櫃台先生, 小姐也不多查一下相關文件, 通通匯出) 

一群Russia俄羅斯愛情詐騙犯, 死要錢, 騙了台灣70歲老人USD54,550.- 
再加上卡債, 利息, MoneyGram 手續費, 匯差, 向親友借錢要還, 
共計約USD70, 000.-
(從台灣, 桃園的凱基銀行代理的 MoneyGram匯款平台, 匯出)
這個台灣,桃園, 凱基銀行的櫃台行員, 很奇怪, 
一個70歲的老男人, 每個星期, 三天二頭的抱著台幣現金, 
NTD10~20萬(新台幣 CASH), 
NTD30~40萬(新台幣 CASH) 去匯款, 說買電子零件!

現生意這麼難做, 用MoneyGram匯款平台, 
要5%手續費, 還要匯差, 更何況是匯到俄羅斯! 
凱基銀行的櫃台行員也沒多查一下, 看一下訂單, 海關報單, 收貨單…, 
約一年半的時間, 匯出大約54,550美金, 
再加上5%手續費, 匯差, 向銀行用信用卡借款利息, 

你們也要審查來匯款的人, 不合理的狀況, 以免違法或被詐騙!

這群Russia 俄羅斯愛情詐騙犯, 又寫信來, 說姊姊死了! 
她的妹妹叫台灣70歲老人帶USD2000-3000到Russia 俄羅斯去銀行開戶, 
要還台灣70歲老人錢! 台灣70歲老人告訴他們又老又病, 
但這些Russia 俄羅斯愛情詐騙就回信: 没錢!

這些Russia 俄羅斯愛情詐騙犯没人性, 没天良, 請大家不要上當!

Hello zeek.
I understand what you mean, 
but the bank basically requires me 
to have a new account in my name, 
since I inherited Viktoriia property, 
I need to open a new account 
so that the bank transfers money to this account. 
zeek, ​​I don’t ask you for more help, you did a lot for my sister, 
you helped her a lot and until the end of her days she loved 
and continued to love you, 
she asked me with tears in her eyes to return the money to you,
that's why I do my best to return your money to you. 
zeek if you need your money, you need to come to Russia, 
now there is no danger, the police control everything 
and tourists can easily visit the city of Russia. 
Come and collect your money, 
but you need to have $ 2,000 to open an account. 
The bank will send money only to my account, 
know about it, I'm sorry that I asked you for help, 
because I did not even know you, I am ashamed ... 
zeek you are a very good and kind man ...
(Viktoriia's sister)

Hello dear zeek.
I know better than anyone how much you have done for Viktoriia, 
I know how much she loved you. 
More than anything else, she dreamed of seeing you 
and I think that now she sees you. 
Because of my husband, we had a bad relationship, 
but I was not to blame for this, but you probably hate me. 
zeek my sister’s last wish was that I do everything to get money 
from the sale of her apartment and return it to you. 
I promise that I will return your money to you, 
but I need a little time to enter into the inheritance. 
Then I can start doing her business, everything will be fine,
 you are a very kind man, thank you for everything ...
(Viktoriia's sister)

Remember she ( Viktoriia.) left with love in her heart for you zeek.
(Viktoriia's sister)

Hello zeek.
I don’t know how to start the letter, 
but probably I should tell you that Viktoriia is dead, 
this is a great grief for us. 
She always helped everyone, 
but we could not help her and her heart stopped, 
she could not stand it. 
Always remember that she died with love for you ... 
All the time she asked me to apologize to you, 
she is very guilty in front of you 
and I know that you did a lot for her. 
I beg you do not think that I am a bad sister, 
my husband made me do this to her, 
until the day of her death I asked for forgiveness from her 
and she promised that she forgave me. 
I promised her that I would try to bring her case to the end 
and return your money to you. 
Once again, please forgive us and Viktoriia ...
(Viktoriia's sister)

Hello my love Zeek.
My dear, thank you for your letter, I have bad news for you. 
Dear last time, I feel very bad, I lost consciousness several times 
and I do not know what is happening to me. 
I was in the hospital, I thought it was because of my heart, 
but the doctors said that it was not related to my heart. 
But something happens to me, I don't know what to do. 
I'm afraid that they can fire me from work if the attacks continue. 
How are you doing, why do you very rarely write to me?
Zeek, I really hope that everything will improve, 
forgive me for everything ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love zeek.
Very long time there is no letter from you and I am very worried, 
tell me dear with you all is well. 
I ask you not to think that I have forgotten about you 
and about your problems, 
because of me you have big problems 
and I promise you 
that I will do everything to return all your money to you. 
Because of the work, 
I could not write to you, but with my thoughts I did not forget 
about our problems for a second. 
zeek I ask you to forgive me, 
because of my problems you have to suffer, 
but you have to remember 
that I will give you all the money back 
for what it would not cost me ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello, Zeek.
I read your letter, I understand that you cannot help me, 
I ask you only to support me spiritually, 
you know how much you mean to me in this world 
and your words bring me strength. 
I understand that you cannot find a job, 
but I think that everything will be fine in the near future. 
I promise I will find a solution ...
Your Viktoriia.

Hello my dear Zeek.
Again, there is no letter from you 
and I am very worried why you have lost interest in me so much 
about what is happening, you don’t write to me for a long time. 
I'm trying to solve problems, 
but your silence is killing me. 
You know how I need your support, 
I want to give you your money back. 
I am very ashamed that I still can not give you your money back. 
Zeek, please don't leave me no news from you, 
be honest with me ...
Your Viktoriia.

Hello my dear Zeek.
Why do you say that you do not receive letters from me, 
I always reply to your letters 
and I do not want to disturb you 
to constantly write to you and complain 
that I cannot do anything without your help. 
I understand that you do not have a job right now 
and you cannot help me, but no matter how I am, 
I cannot find the money now to start the proceedings in my case. 
I do not know what to do now, I am very ashamed 
that I brought you problems and now I can not help you.
Zeek I ask you to forgive me, I am very guilty before you ...
I will try to find a solution, but so much time has passed 
and I cannot do anything ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

2019/03/25 Hello my love Zeek. 
I have read your letter, you say that you are looking for work, 
I am very worried about you and I wish you to find work faster.  
Dear, I still can not find a solution to the problem. 
But I really want to get money faster, 
I need to quickly begin the trial process in court.  
It is a pity that you cannot help me for the last time so 
that I can finish the job, but I will try to find a solution.  
Dear, if you have a solution, 
I ask you, no, I beg you to help me for the last time, 
I promise you will not regret it ... Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter, you say 
that I forget about your site, why? 
Do you make a lot of money on your site? 
Zeek tell me how are you, could you find a job? 
I understand that you had 
a lot of problems because of me, 
but I hope that everything will be fine in the near future, 
I promise that I will try to solve the problem quickly. 
All my life I will thank you 
for all that you have done for me ..
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my dear zeek.
I read your letter, I did not quite understand 
why I should visit your site,
 I tried to go to your site, but I can’t do anything, 
I don’t know why. 
My dear, I have a lot of work right now, I work a lot, 
I want to earn money to pay the state fee, but I don’t get it, 
I don’t know what to do now.
Dear, I ask you to figure out how we can pay 1000 dollars, 
time does not play for us, you understand me. 
I am very ashamed in front of you, 
I know that brought you a lot of problems, a lot of pain. 
I have to find a solution to help you and get your money back, 
I hope then you can forgive me ...
Your Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I received your letter, 
I did not quite understand what you meant, 
you want me to sell cosmetics in Russia? 
My dear, thank you for wanting to help me, 
but I did not quite understand what you meant, 
I ask you to explain to me. 
If this helps me make money, I will be very grateful to you. 
You know that I now need $ 1,000 
to begin the process of the proceedings, 
after all will be fine. 
Thank you for everything, your Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter, I understand everything 
about what you write to me, 
I understand everything about what you tell me. 
But understand that I have no sister now, 
she refused me because of the money. 
I do not want to blame his husband for everything, 
I think that the sister’s fault is also present, 
we do not speak with her. 
I can not ask her for money, 
I will definitely find a solution to get all the money. 
I will do everything to help you solve your problems faster, 
forgive me for asking for your money again, 
but now I cannot find a solution. 
I will not lose hope, get money ... 
Forgive me for all the problems I brought you. 
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
 I received your letter, 
I understand very well that I owe you USD $ 70,000, 
I am ready now to give you all my money for an apartment, 
just to solve all your problems. 
I don’t feel sorry for the money I gave to my sister,
 I’m sorry that I lost my sister because of the money. 
Zeek I am grateful to you for all that you have done for me, 
I will never forget it. 
I understand that now you will not be able to send me money, 
I hope that in the future I will be able to find a solution, 
but I cannot say the exact date 
when I can raise money to go to court ...
Your Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter and I understand you, 
you have no money now 
and you really did everything to help me, 
but I brought you problems and I am very ashamed of it. 
I ask you to understand every day 
it will be harder for me to get money from the bank, 
time plays on them, do you understand me? 
Therefore, I asked you to send me money for a state fee.
 I do not know when I can get the money, 
but I promise that I will do everything possible.
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
My dear, I read your letter, understand, 
I can't find the money now, but I'm not going to give up, 
maybe in the future I can earn this money, 
maybe I can get a loan, 
but you know that because of my bad credit history 
I was not approved credit 
because we sued many times with the bank. 
Zeek I will never forget
 what you did for me and my family, 
I still give you all your money back. 
Now you and I have big problems, 
but I really hope 
that together we will solve all the problems. 
Zeek I will do everything to get money, 
but I do not know how long I need ...
Your Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter, I understand everything 
about what you write to me, 
you say that your friends have no money 
and you cannot help me, 
now I don’t know what to do, 
I probably won’t be able to find this money. 
I don’t know when I can give you all your money back, 
it’s a pity that your friend took $ 3,000, 
you would have had all your money already 
and you would have forgotten 
all your problems as a bad dream. 
Zeek, but now I can’t do anything, 
I guess I couldn’t find the right words 
for you to believe me, 
but now I really only need $ 1,000 
and we will start the trial, 
but I honestly can’t find the money now. 
I do not know what to do. 
Most of all, I worry about you,
 for all your problems, 
but I don’t give up my words.
I will still find a solution 
to return your money to you, believe me ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
My dear, there is no letter from you 
and I am looking forward to your letter,
I really hope that your friend 
will be able to understand us
and help us for the last time, 
I promise that I will return your money to you. 
I ask you to trust me and you will never regret it, 
I am anxiously waiting for news from you.
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my Zeek.
My dear, I read your letter, 
I am very pleased that you trust me, 
I swear that I will do everything 
to return your money to you. 
Dear, you say that you will visit a friend 
to get help from him, 
I beg you, dear, do everything possible to help me, 
I swear that I will do everything possible 
to get your money back as soon as possible. 
Zeek, if I could find another solution, 
I would have started the process a long time ago, 
I did everything. 
The lawyer from work agreed to help me, 
he was very sorry that I was so deceived. 
Now I need your help to start the trial process. 
Zeek promise that you will not regret 
that you will trust me again, 
I ask you to help for the last time 
and you yourself will make sure 
that it is not in vain that you trusted me. 
I really hope that you understand me dear ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello, my dear Zeek.
Again you don’t have a letter 
and I don’t understand 
why you don’t write to me,
I want you to be honest with me, 
I want you to tell me the truth, 
because now you don’t trust me 
and don’t believe, I want to know the truth. 
I try, I fight like a fish on the ice 
and I want you to support me, 
but you do not even write to me. 
I do not know what to do...
Your Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter, 
I am pleased that you trust me, 
I will be the happiest in the world 
when I can return all your money 
to you and solve your problems. 
My dear, I am very sorry 
that you could not convince your friend to help us, 
I ask you to find a solution to help me, 
send me $ 1,000 for the last time, 
then you yourself will make sure that I was right. Zeek, 
I know that I can definitely solve the problems, 
I need to pay the state duty now, 
then the new lawyer will do everything 
possible to quickly return the money to us. 
Zeek, please trust me, we will succeed ...
I hope you can find a solution ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
Again there is no letter from you, 
I don’t understand why you don’t write to me, 
I don’t know what to do, 
I’m really looking forward to your letter. 
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
My dear, I read your letter, 
I am very glad to hear that you trust me.
I understand that your friend 
does not want to lend you money, 
but I ask you to find a way to convince him 
that I will return the money as soon as I finish the process. 
Dear time is coming and 
it will not be easy for us to prove to the court. 
As for $ 2,000, the lawyer said it would be hard to prove.
Now the most important thing is 
to return the money from the bank. 
Understand the lawyer does not want to spoil relations 
with the investigator and prosecutor's office now, 
but he is ready to sue the bank and other lawyers. 
I ask you to Zeek, believe me and help me one last time, 
try to convince a friend 
that this is the only solution at the moment. 
You know that more than anything, 
I want to help you solve your problems faster ...
I love you very much, please help me ...
Your Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter, 
why you say that you do not receive my letters, 
I always answer your letters, 
I have been waiting for your letter for 2 days. 
I understand that I load you with my problems all the time, 
but I ask you to understand 
that I really want to give you your money back, 
to solve all your problems. 
Dear lawyer to help me now. 
You need to pay a state fee in order to go to court, 
but I have no money. 
Therefore, I ask you to help me, 
I ask you to try to talk with your friend, 
he may agree to help me again, last time. 
If you could send $ 3,000 
I swear I would give you all your money back, 
please trust me. 
But now, to begin the trial, 
I need $ 1,000 and I cannot find a solution 
without your help ...
I ask you think dear ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
Dear, I read your letter, 
I understand 
that the bank does not give you money, 
can you convince your friend? 
Do you understand? 
To start a lawsuit, 
I have to pay for the state fee, 
do you understand me? 
While I can not pay, 
I can not start my own business, 
I do not know how to explain to me. 
Zeek I ask you please trust me, 
help me one last time and you yourself will make sure 
that I solve all your problems. 
I am very grateful to you for all that you have done for me, 
but I have to ask you for help. 
I beg you help me, I need your support ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello zeek.
I read your letter, I understand you. 
I am really very ashamed 
that I brought you so many problems, 
please forgive me. 
Now I really do everything to get my money, 
to send you money, do you understand me? 
I want to return your money to you 
so that you can solve all your problems,
 zeek I ask you to forgive 
that I brought you so many problems. 
But now I really need $ 1,000 for me to win the trial, 
you understand me, 
we can return all the money that the lawyer paid, 
everything will be fine, 
I ask you to trust me and help me for the last time ... 
I hope for your support .. .
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
My dear, you haven’t written to me for a long time 
and I’ve been madly worried about you. 
You say that Chinese New Year 
is a special day for every Chinese, 
but really you could not 
find 2-3 minutes to write me a letter, 
you did not write me for 10 days. 
Honey, as far as money is concerned, 
I cannot apply for a loan. 
The fact is that now, after I have sued banks, 
I am denied a loan, do you understand me? 
I don’t know how I can find the money 
to pay the state fee, 
now I’m sure that the lawyer 
who helped me used me all this time 
and I have to go to court,
 but I can’t even file a complaint, I don’t have money. 
The lawyer from my job is ready 
to help me with legal services, 
but he cannot pay the costs for me. 
I really hoped that you would find an opportunity 
to help me one last time. 
Dear, I beg you to support me for the last time, 
we will be fine, I really hope for you ..
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
My dear, I congratulate you on 
Taiwan Chinese New Year, 
you say that this is a day of rest for all. 
Darling, I understand you, 
but you didn’t answer anything 
about my request to you, 
I asked you to help me with 1000 dollars, 
this is very important now, 
I beg you to help me, 
all I’m trying to do is for us, 
understand me you are welcome...
Without your support, I can not do anything, 
I'm really looking forward to your letter.
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello, my dear Zeek.
I certainly understand that 
you have the Chinese New Year now - 
this is a day of rest for everyone. 
But I can’t understand why this is stopping you
 from writing me a letter,
 I’m losing my mind, 
I ask you to help us solve all problems, 
I won’t be able to cope with all problems without your help.
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter, I understand everything you write to me, 
I borrow money from everyone I could, 
I ask you to trust me now, I need to get $ 1000. 
This lawyer works with me in the same company 
and I need money to pay state fees 
and other expenses, we must file a claim. 
Now the lawyer promised to sort things out, 
he says that the bank does not have 
the right to demand money 
from me for account maintenance, 
in case he does not allow me to use a bank account. 
All I need now is $ 1,000 and the lawyer says 
he will figure it all out. 
Also on the bill of payment, 
he says that I can pay him as soon as we win the deal, 
do you understand me Zeek? 
Now everything depends on you, 
help me for the last time and we will return all our money ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek
I read your letter, 
dear I will be the happiest in the world 
if you share your life with me. 
I understand that you are 70 years old, 
but I love you, you gave me life, 
I do not know what would have happened to me 
if it were not for you. 
You have done a lot for me and my family, 
I will be grateful to you all my life. 
You say that I have a wonderful future, 
how can there be a wonderful future, 
without a beloved man, without you Zeek. 
Dear, I need to hire a lawyer now 
and I don’t have $ 1,000, 
I ask you to help me now, 
for the last time send me $ 1,000 for a lawyer, 
he should start his work. 
Then in the near future I will return all your money to you, 
I have found a new lawyer and he assures 
that within a month they will return all my money to me. 
I told him about all my old courts, 
he claims that my past attorney is a swindler 
and specifically lures money from clients. 
He promised to sort things out, of course, 
this is not exact information about a lawyer, 
but I know that we should hire a lawyer as early as possible 
in order not to lose money for an apartment.
I really hope that you will be able 
to support me for the last time,
I really hope for you.
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I received your letter, 
you say that I have not been writing to you for 2 days, 
but I responded to your letter, 
you do not write to me, I waited for your answer. 
I asked you how you feel 
about building our future with you, do you love me? 
Until now, your daughter does not show you 
your grandchildren? 
You say that you have no Internet why, 
you have never had problems with the Internet, 
how can it be that you have no Internet at the weekend? 
Zeek, you have done a lot for me, 
I ask you to forgive me for bringing you many problems, 
now I make you wait, 
I will soon return your money to you, 
please wait 2 more months, 
everything will be fine, just trust me .. .
Zeek, I love you, you say that you find it hard to find a job, 
I understand everything you write me about. 
Soon I promise that everything will be fine with you ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter, 
I understand everything you are talking about.
You write what you want to return the money to the bank 
and a friend, how much money you owe the bank, 
how much to a friend?
Zeek. I am very sorry that your friend did not trust me, 
I would have returned the money to you a long time ago, 
but now you cannot receive money. 
Your family wants you to solve all the problems, 
I understand that, I ask you to forgive me.
Now I work a lot, 
I hope that in the near future 
I will be able to save money for a lawyer
so that he won the case. 
Zeek now I will look for another lawyer 
and I really hope that everything will be fine. 
Zeek, you say that you have no money for a trip to Russia,
 this is a great pity, I can’t help you to come yet. 
I really hope that everything will change in the near future 
and it will be good. 
Tell me, you said nothing about our future with you, 
do you want to be with me ???
I love you very much my Zeek.
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love zeek.
Again there is no letter from you, 
I very much hope that you will answer my letter 
and all my questions. 
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
My dear, I read your letter, 
tell me why you do not answer my questions? 
You wrote that your family abandoned you, 
your daughter does not show you a child. 
How are you doing now? 
I told you that I would be happy to build our family with you,
 you know how much I love you. 
Tell me you can come to Russia or you want me to come to you. 
If I come to you, can I find a job in your country? 
My dear, I am very ashamed of all the problems that I brought you, 
I promise that I will make you the happiest man in the world. 
You ask to send you a photo, my camera broke, 
but I will send you a photo soon. 
Zeek can you send me your photo? I miss you very much...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
My dear, how can you say that I am not writing you a letter, 
every time I answer your letters.
But you do not answer me, 
every day I hopefully waiting for a letter from you.
My dear, you are waiting for news from me, 
I have no good news. 
Now the bank refused me, 
I need to go to court to prove 
that my account is not blocked by law. 
But you know that I need a lawyer to win the case. 
But I don’t have money right now so I can hire a lawyer, 
do you understand me? 
Zeek is a shame on me, 
I brought you a lot of problems, 
but I swear I will give you all your money back. 
I ask you never to doubt me. 
My dear, you said that your family left you, 
tell me we can be together, 
you know that I love you, so I feel your love ...
Soon everything will be fine, I love you madly ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
My dear, I can not understand what is happening to you lately, 
I do not understand what you are talking about?
I think you need to come to Russia so
that together we can find a solution to the problem. 
Tell me why you do not want to come to Russia, 
you have me here, I will always be with you. 
I promise that we will find a job for you and start our happy life. 
You and I will be fine, you know that I love you.
As for my account, 
it seems to me that we will have to sue again, 
there is no other solution. 
My dear forgive me for all the problems that I brought you, 
it is very hard and painful for me. 
I hope that everything will be fine soon.
I love you, your Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter, you say that your wife is at home now, 
but you wrote that everyone refused you. 
Dear understand, 
I will never give up on you, you are always in my heart, 
I will love you all my life. 
Zeek, understand now I’ll have to sue the bank again, 
but I don’t have money now. 
I received money for my work, but I have a small salary. 
I had to pay for utilities, you understand me. 
I am now also very hard and bad. 
Everything would be good for you and me 
if your friend sent me $ 3,000, 
but now I don’t return anything. 
You know that I also owe money to a lawyer, 
I have to find another lawyer. I still hope to return my money. 
I promised you I would give you your money back, 
Zeek, I will do it. You will be convinced of this, 
I will make you happy. 
I hope when I return your money to you, 
it will bring you a lot of happiness.
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter, 
it is very painful for me to read what you write to me,
I am very sorry that all this happened. 
I understand that all your problems are now due to me. 
You lost your job, I really hope that you can find a job, 
I will pray for you. 
Are you saying that you are alone now, 
what about your wife? 
Why does your daughter forbid you to see your grandson?
Zeek, I swore to you and I promise I will never leave you. 
If you are alone now we can build our family with you,
you know how I love you and want to have a family with you. 
You are my life, you have done a lot for me and my family, 
I will never leave you. 
Dear Zeek, I will do everything to quickly get the money 
and come to you, I will leave everything
and we will be together, do you understand me? 
I promise I will make you the happiest ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my dear Zeek.
You still do not write me a letter, 
I think you decided to leave me, 
you moved away from me. 
You are hiding something from me, 
I ask you to tell me what is happening to you, 
why have you changed? 
Maybe something bothers you 
I want to explain everything to you 
so that there are no problems between us .. 
But you just keep quiet, 
I feel that you are worried about something, 
but you don’t tell me anything. 
Zeek tell me what happens to you, tell me everything ....
I told the security chief that we had no money, 
he said that he really wanted to help us 
and did everything he could. 
Zeek now we need to wait for what will happen next ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
Tomorrow, dear, I meet with the head of security of the bank, 
I have to tell him that we do not have 3000 dollars 
and we can not find this money. 
I do not know what will happen next, tomorrow 
I will tell you all the information. 
Forgive me for all the problems I brought you. 
I will pray that you could find a job, 
I understand that it is hard for you now.
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
You never write me a letter, 
you decide to leave me alone with all the problems, 
well Zeek, this is your decision, 
you have done a lot for me and our meeting, 
I can not blame you for something. 
But I ask you, always remember 
that I will never give up my words. 
I promised to return all your money to you 
and I will do everything to return all your money 
to you as soon as possible. 
I ask you to trust me ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I'm glad to hear that you trust me, 
I promise that I will help you dear, 
I will never leave you after all that you have done for me. 
I really want you to come to me in Russia, 
but you do not write to me why you do not want to come to me. 
Together we will find a solution, 
we will get the money, you know I will be happy to see you. 
I really hope that soon you will be able to find a job, 
everything will be fine with us. 
When the New Year holidays are over, 
I will talk to the head of bank security and give you news.
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love zeek.
I read your letter, you say that my salary is 1000 dollars, 
I am now an intern, I will not have such a salary, 
I just started working. 
Even if I have a $ 1,000 salary, I have to eat,
 I have to pay utilities. 
Also, the head of the security department 
will not wait for 3 months. 
He said that after the New Year holidays 
we have to make a decision. 
I know that we cannot find a solution. 
You say that you can not find this money, 
I can not find the same money. 
Most of all I worry about the fact 
that I could not return your money to you. 
But you should not worry, 
I promise that I will return all your money to you. 
Tell me zeek, ​​are you ready to wait 3-6 months 
until I can give you at least some of your money? 
After all that you have done for me, 
it hurts me so much 
that I brought you so many problems ....
Your Viktoriia.

Hello my dear Zeek.
From you there is no letter my dear, 
you do not answer my letters, 
I do not know what is happening with you.
I hope that you will still write to me 
and reply to my letter.
I congratulate you on the new 2019 year.
I'm really looking forward to your letter, 
I hope we will find a solution together ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

My dear Zeek, after everything 
that happened between me and my sister, 
they will never give me money, 
you know what kind of husband my sister has 
and he will never give me money, 
I'm not sure that he has money. 
I also really wanted to start 2019 without problems. 
If your friend sent me $ 3,000, 
all our problems would be solved, 
but I don’t know why it all happened. 
Zeek you are the only person who can help me, 
but you say that you can’t help 
now I don’t even know what to do, 
how to solve problems ... 
I’m losing my mind, 
I don’t know how to find a solution ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my dear Zeek.
I read your letter, I understand everything 
about what you write to me.
The head of the bank’s security service 
will deny me access to my account, 
in accordance with the law of the bank, 
the bank may refuse to service any person. 
You're right, they just want money 
from ordinary people like me. 
They will share this money with the presidents of the bank, 
so he cannot go to meet me and help me. 
Of course, through the court we can win the case, 
we can sue the penalty and the bank for all the problems 
that they created to us. 
But you know the whole government is corrupt in Russia
and only money is important to them. 
The head of the bank’s security service swore 
that there would be no more problems, 
he promised as soon as I brought him $ 3,000, 
the next day he would give access to my account. 
He knows that I owe you money, 
he promised to personally verify that 
without problems the money was sent to your account. 
But now everything has changed, 
very sorry that you did not trust me. 
Understand 13,500 dollars, transferred the bank, 
but all this money came to my account, 
I can not withdraw a certain amount from the account, 
do you understand me? 
I honestly do not know what to do now, 
I know that without your help I will not be able to cope. 
I understand that you have lost your job, 
I understand that it is hard for you now. 
But the only solution for us now is if you find 3000 dollars, 
within 3 days I will give you your money back. 
This will solve all your and my problems ... 
I will pray for you and me.
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
Dear tell me why are you sending me the same letter, 
changing a couple of lines in it? 
I honestly do not understand what is happening to you. 
You yourself said that you sent money to a friend 
so that he sent it to me, 
you wanted to send money to my account. 
Now you say you borrowed money from a friend. 
Zeek in any case I ask you to always be honest with me, 
but you hide from me. 
Tell me you still don't trust me? 
what is the reason, understand, 
I want to help you, after all that you have done for me, 
do you understand? 
The bank security chief had to sign the document 
and give me access to my account, 
but now he will not sign! 
I can try to appeal his decision 
through the court and get me 
to be given access to my accounts. 
But you yourself know 
how much money will be required in court. 
I ask you to be honest with me, 
I know that you could find the money, 
but you do not trust me, tell me the truth I ask!
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter, 
I can not understand, tell me what we will do now.
I talked to the head of security of the bank, 
he said if we can’t find the money in the near future, 
he will send our case to the investigation 
and I don’t know how it will end. 
I do not know how long I will repay you.
Zeek I ask you, tell me you can find a solution, 
if not I will tell the bank security chief 
that we cannot find the money. 
I offered him to give money 
from the salary, but he said that he would not wait so long ...
Zeek now everything depends on us, 
I hope for your support.
Only together we will be able to find a solution to the problem, 
I swear that I will return your money to you, 
I ask you to help me for the last time with $ 3,000, 
then you will see that all the problems will end ....
Zeek, I congratulate you on Christmas, I love you very much ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my dear Zeek.
You did not write me a letter, 
I am very sorry, probably you are very busy. 
I congratulate you on Christmas, 
you probably already know 
that Christmas is celebrated in Russia on January 7th. 
I really wanted to start 2019 without problems, 
I really wanted to leave all our problems in the old year. 
But the distrust of your friend assorted our plans. 
Zeek I ask you to think, 
only together we can solve all our problems. 
I am very worried, 
I hope that together we will find a solution to the problem.
Zeek, I'm really looking forward to your letter, 
your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter, dear, 
I understand everything you write to me.
Understand now I don’t have any money at all. 
As soon as I receive my salary, 
I will go to the police to investigate. 
Understand, I will have to hire a lawyer, 
I will have expenses, but I cannot do anything now. 
You think that I will leave this case 
without investigation, of course not. 
You say that your family knows everything now, 
I have to tell the police that I only spoke with you. 
It is likely that they will contact you, 
and you will have to say it as it is. 
Zeek, I love you, 
I am grateful to you for all that you have done for me, 
I will never betray you, please trust me. 
Tomorrow I will have to meet 
with the head of security of the bank, 
I will have to tell him that we do not have 3000 dollars. 
I do not know what will happen 
with the money from the apartment, 
but we can not do anything. 
Of course, I understand that you could find this money, 
you even found it and ready to send it to me. 
But now you don’t trust me, you can’t come to Russia, 
it’s a pity, you’d see that I’ve always been honest with you ...
I ask you to pray that all is well with us.
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
Dear, I read your letter, 
I'm sorry, you say 
that your friend will not be able to help you 
and the bank will not give you a loan. 
I'm very sorry to hear 
that you lost your job, you're right, 
I started working 
and I really hope that everything will be fine. 
Understand the bank security chief 
will not wait until I get paid, 
we must give him an answer in a short time, 
do you understand me? 
I very much hope that you will be able 
to find the last 3000 dollars, 
this will solve all our problems. 
Forgive me for bringing you many problems. 
I really hope that you can find a solution ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter, I understand everything you mean, 
say your friend broke my mail?
Do you remember how I couldn’t go to my email either;
probably then they also stole my photos from my email, 
I have nothing to hide from you. 
Zeek understand, I love you more than life, 
you have done a lot for me 
and I never care about what you did. 
Are you saying that your friend 
will not give you more money, 
your friend lent you a lot of money? 
Honey, you can convince him 
that I will return the money to you 
as soon as I have 3000 dollars. 
Understand it is very difficult 
for me to live every day now 
and know that I make a beloved man suffer. 
You suffer for my sake, 
I want to quickly solve all the problems 
so that we can start a happy life. 
I know that I brought you a lot of problems, 
I am very ashamed. 
As for the bank president, he will never talk to me. 
I spoke with the head of security of the bank, 
he told me that he had already 
done everything possible to help me. 
But until I find $ 3,000, 
he will not be able to help me. 
I asked him if I could pay 2 times more 
after receiving the money from the account, 
but he said that I should have 3000 dollars, 
this is the only solution. 
As for the money, 
the entire amount came to my account, 
and it does not matter that $ 70,000 
is for the sale of an apartment, 
since my account is blocked, 
I will not be able to withdraw a certain amount.
Dear Zeek, I beg you find a solution to help me $ 3,000, 
I swear that everything will be fine 
and you will get your money, I beg you to trust me ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
My dear, I have news for you, 
I could not go to my mail, 
it seems to me that my mail was hacked.
I had to create a new mail to write you a letter.
I don't know if your friend 
hacked my mail to read my letters, 
but I have nothing to hide 
from my life like an open book in front of you.
I love you and ask you to send me a letter to another mail,
 I could not go to the post office 
and read your letter yesterday ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
My dear, I read your letter, 
I want you to be honest with me!
Zeek know that you had 3000 dollars, 
you wanted to send this money to your account, 
but you were not allowed. 
You asked a friend to send money from the USA, 
you told him my name. Now you do not trust me, 
I want you to honestly tell me 
if I cannot hope for your help now. 
Understand, I will never give up my words, 
I swore that I would return all your money to you 
and I will return it to you. 
If now I tell the head of bank security 
that I cannot help paying $ 3,000, 
I do not know what will happen next. 
I need to work at one place for 6 months at least 
so that I can get a loan. 
I will apply for a loan and will return your money to you, 
please Zeek, do not worry. 
I will keep my words, 
even if I lost everything in this world, 
you should not suffer because of me. 
I'm sorry I'm making you suffer now 
and I brought you a lot of problems. 
But I am always ready to wait for you in Russia, 
our meeting will make me happy. 
I talked to my mother 
about how much we brought you problems, 
you gave the life of my mother and me.
Mom is ready to write a will on you, 
but first I must get paid to pay the notary. 
I am grateful to you for all that 
you have done for my mother and me. 
You are the best man, 
when I return your money to you, 
you will understand 
that I have always been honest with you. 
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I just finished the job and was able to read your letter, 
my dear, I read all your letter, 
but I ask you to understand that you know 
that I cannot do anything without your help. 
I really hoped that your friend would send 3000 dollars 
and I would give you your money back. 
The head of bank security says 
that he did everything he could, 
now he can do nothing more. 
He has to pay 3000 dollars 
and until we pay him he will not be able 
to give access to the account. 
I do not know what to do now, 
I do not know where we can find a solution. 
You say that you have no money, 
I understand you. 
I would very much like you to come to me in Russia 
and together we tried to solve the problem, 
but you do not want to come. 
I do not know what to do now ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
My dear today, I went out to work the first day, 
now I am going through an internship, 
I am writing to you from my workplace during the lunch break. 
Zeek I did not know that you borrowed money 
from a friend from the USA. 
I ask you to understand me, 
I asked him to help me to do everything 
so that I could get access to my account. 
He said that he had done everything to help me, 
but until we pay him $ 3,000 he cannot do anything. 
I also told him that we would pay him $ 10,000 
as soon as he opened access to my account, 
but he replied that he could not do anything 
until he received the money. 
The fact is that he is afraid 
that I will be able to immediately send you the full amount 
and he will be left without money. 
I promised to even write him a receipt stating 
that I undertake to give him $ 10,000, 
but he refused because 
he is afraid that he will be brought to justice. 
I also told him that I started to work 
and I can give money after each of my salaries, 
but he said that he could not wait so long. 
Zeek, I understand 
that your distrust of me does not give you peace, 
I also understand 
that because of this you do not want to help me. 
I ask you to come to Russia, 
you yourself will see all the problems 
and in place we will be able to solve all the problems. 
After all, your friend will not give me money, 
but he will send money in your name. 
You understand me, 
only together we can solve all our problems. 
I love you and really looking forward to our meeting.
Forgive me for all the problems 
that I brought you, it hurts me very much.
But I really hope that in the near future 
I will give you all your money back ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
My dear, there is no letter from you 
and I do not even know what to do, 
yesterday I could not sleep all night. 
It is very hard and painful to understand 
that you have brought so many problems to a person,
because of your very big problems. 
I am very worried about this. 
If now we don’t find a solution to the problem 
and don’t pay $ 3000, I don’t know what to do. 
This may interfere with my work, 
I do not know how much more 
the head of bank security will be able to give us time, 
but he made it clear that he is waiting for a very long time. 
Your silence is killing me, how I want it all to end quickly ...
God give us strength, I'm waiting for your letter ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I don’t know where to start my letter to you, 
I’ll probably start by saying 
that I spent the whole day at the bank, 
I talked to the head of the bank’s security service. 
I cried and begged him to understand me 
and help me open an account, 
as you asked me, 
I said that I was ready to give him 10,000 dollars 
after opening an account. 
He listened to me attentively, 
he said that he understood me very well, 
he also said that he was very sorry for me, 
he knows all my problems, 
how much I had to go through. 
He asked me to understand him, 
the fact is that he first asked me $ 5,500 
to give me full access to my account. 
As he says he cannot make such a decision alone, 
he needs to give the president of the bank, 
without his knowledge, 
he cannot give me access to the account. 
He must conduct an inspection 
and give all documents to the president of the bank.
The head of bank security said that he should give $ 3,000, 
and he would keep $ 2,500 for himself. 
He says he did everything he could to help me, 
but until we pay $ 3,000, 
he will not be able to give access to my account. 
Zeek my dear, are you saying 
that your family knows everything? 
Of course, I understand 
that I have brought you many problems, 
I am very ashamed of all this, I suffer a lot. 
But how did your wife react to the fact 
that you have a woman who loves you? 
I understand that you will never leave your family, 
honey, but I will not stop loving you. 
I understand that you now have no money to help me. 
Tell me you sent money to a friend of $ 3,000 to send me, 
can you not send me this money? 
Understand, I’m worried 
that if I don’t pay the Chief of Security now, 
I’m afraid that I will have problems again. 
Understand they will not wait 
until I can earn so much money. 
Honey, I hope that I will have no problems 
and I will start working on Monday. 
Dear help me solve the problem, 
this is the last time, I will give you your money back 
and we will forget 
about all the problems, I am very worried ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
Today there is no letter from you, 
I do not understand what is happening, 
why everything is happening now. 
You have changed and I do not know what to do now, 
you know more than anything, 
I worry about the fact 
that I brought you many problems. 
I swear to you that I will return your money to you, 
if I had 3,000 dollars I would give you money back. 
But now you know 
that I have to give an answer 
to the head of the bank’s security,
I can’t wait a long time with the answer. 
I can not say that we are waiting for further. 
But the best option now is if you still come to me 
and together we can solve the problem. 
Of course, I understand that you have a wife, family, 
you do not know what to say to them, 
but I ask you to find a solution. 
Remember, I love you very much, 
I am very grateful 
to you for all that you have done for me. 
You gave life to me and my mother, 
please do not think 
that I could deceive you after all you did. 
More than anything, I want you to come 
because I do not want to lose you and your trust. 
I can not live without you, 
you are my life and my happiness. 
I would be the happiest in the world if I met you, 
I love you very much ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
My dear, I read your letter, 
I cannot find a place for myself, 
I am very worried, 
all these photos were stolen from my laptop. 
You know that I found you in a dating agency, 
I am grateful to them for bringing us together. 
They had access to my mail, maybe, but for what they needed it. 
When I start working, from the next week, 
as soon as I have the money, I turn to a lawyer, 
I will not leave this matter as follows. 
My dear, I owe you a lot of money, 
I ask you to come to Salavat. 
We will solve all the problems together, 
you will see for yourself. 
I do not know how to pick up words, 
I have been crying all the time for several days, 
because because of this situation, I can lose you forever. 
More than anything, I'm afraid of losing you, 
you are the closest and closest person to me. 
We were on the verge of solving all problems, 
but now you say that you cannot send me money.
My dear, you say that I have to talk to the security chief, 
you say that we want his help. 
Please understand me, we talked a lot about it, 
you know that even if I tell him that I will pay $ 10,000, 
he will not sign the documents until he receives the money. 
I swear to you, if I had received your money, $ 3,000, 
I would have transferred your money to you. 
But now we have only one solution to all problems, 
if you come to Russia. 
I will be most happy to meet you, 
you know how much I love you. 
Probably when we meet in person 
you will trust me and trust you. 
Understand I love you, 
I can not even ask you to send money, 
I ask you to come and see for yourself 
that I was not deceiving you ....
I ask you to think, please do not leave me, 
I can not live without you ...
your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter, 
I looked at Viktoriaia konevskikh on google, 
I was just amazed, I think to call the police. 
I swear that never in my life have I deceived you 
and betrayed our love. 
After all that you have just seen, 
it is difficult to trust me, I understand you very well. 
The only solution for us now is if you come to Russia, 
we together then solve the problems you understand me. 
I don't care what your friend says to you, 
the most important thing 
for me is to give you all your money back. 
It is very hard and painful for me, 
but I see no other solution. 
If your friend sent the money, 
now all our problems would be left behind. 
But he created new problems for us, 
remember my life as an open book in front of you ... 
Now you have to make a decision as soon as possible.
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter, 
I do not understand what is happening, 
I still can not understand where your friend found my photos.
You ask me to explain to you where these photos come from, 
but I myself cannot understand where these photos come from. 
A long time ago when I turned to a dating agency, 
I provided them with these photos. 
But how did your friend find them, 
where did he get these photos from? 
I swear to you as soon as 
I found you in my life I did not communicate with other men. 
I loved you and vowed you to keep love, 
I do not need anyone except you. 
If the dating agency used my photos I must go to the police. 
Zeek I have never deceived you in my life, 
you and I have experienced many problems, 
but now we are standing 
in one step towards solving all our problems. 
You gave life to me and my mother, 
after all that you did for my sake, how can I betray you. 
My life belongs to you and every day I live 
with thoughts faster to return your money to you. 
The chief of security of the bank contacted me 
and informed me 
that there had been no news from me for a long time. 
He needs to report on the accounts, 
as he can not delay with the answer about my account, 
he wants to know what we have decided.
Zeek, I don’t know what your friend wants to achieve, 
I don’t know who your friend from the USA is, 
but I don’t understand what he is doing. 
You say that he asks 
why the difference is in the name with Elena Slinkina, 
but how can I explain 
that Elena does not have a bank account,
has a bank account and only rich people 
and those who are engaged in business 
can maintain the account. 
I gave you everything I could, dear, 
you can come to me, I will only be happy, 
my life is open to you like a book.
I love you, and I swear I never betrayed you ...
Zeek I need to know your friend will send the money, 
the security chief is waiting for a response ...
Your loving Viktoriia.

Dear :
My USA friend say 
why the name difference with the Elena Slinkina
I explain to he. the open a exchange account is difficult.
not any person can get a foreign bank account is right ?
you will write to me as soon as possible
But my friend sent to me that letter.
and stop to sent money, I am no way to sent money.
you want to save this condition by yourself.
I trust you, but that photo is you and you mama, sister, right Why ?
Can you explain to me.
God blessing us.

Only you know how much I had to go through, 
only you know how hard it was for me. 
When all relatives, friends, family friends abandoned us, 
you helped me and my family. 
I lost my sister, but you always supported me. 
After all you did for me, how can I fool you. 
Now it is very hard for me, I don’t even want to live, 
I write a letter with tears in my eyes, understand me, 
I love you and never betray you. My life belongs to you ...

My dear Zeek, I can not understand what you sent me now. 
What is it, how should I understand it? 
I have never deceived you in my life, 
after all that you have done for me and my family, 
how can you assume that I was deceiving you? 
I can not understand where your friend sent you this, 
but I never deceived you 
and never in your life will I betray you. 
I love you and I swear 
that I will give you all your money back. 
I ask you only about one trust and trust me.
I love you, your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
I read your letter, you tell me not to worry, 
but how can I not worry. 
Much time has passed, 
I certainly understand that your friend is busy working, 
but the fact that he still cannot make 
the translation makes me worry. 
You know for me now it is very important 
to get your money back to you 
so that you can solve all the problems. 
When I understand how many problems 
I brought you, my heart starts to hurt, I worry a lot. 
Dear, I love you, 
now I want to quickly solve 
all the problems and start working. 
I really hope that your friend 
will help us as soon as possible .. 
your loving Viktoriia.

My dear Zeek, 
I did not understand what your friend means, 
why the difference in the name with Elena Slinkina, 
how should I understand this? 
You know very well 
that not every person has a bank account in Russia. 
You said your friend wants 
to send money to a bank account. 
But only Aleksandra Zolotareva has a bank account.
First name: ZOLOTAREVA
middle name: SERGEEVNA
Beneficiary Address: Salavat, Lenina 54
Banca del beneficiario: 
“Bank Otkritie Financial Corporation” (PJSC), Moscow, Russia
Numero di conto del beneficiario: 40817840300003180463
Zeek understand now there are problems 
between Russia and the United States, 
so I think I could not get money through MoneyGram. 
The same amount was very large, 
so I sent several names to get your money 
without problems, do you understand me? 
If your friend cannot send money to your account, 
he can use Western Union.
1500 dollars to the name:
First name: Elena
Last name: Slinkina
middle name: Gennadevna
1500 dollars to the name ::
First name: Daria
Last name: Eliseeva
middle name: Anatolevna
Dear understand the most important thing 
for me now to get your money 
and all our problems will be left behind.
I hope that your friend will help us as soon as possible.

Dear :
My USA friend say 
why the name difference with the Elena Slinkina
I explain to he. the open a exchange account is difficult.
not any person can get a foreign bank account is right ?
you will write to me as soon as possible

Hello my love Zeek.
Dear tell me what's going on, 
surely your friend still cannot 
find a solution to send me money, 
this situation makes me worry. 
Of course, I understand that he works, 
but a lot of time has passed 
and he really cannot send money, 
just to contact you? 
I can not find a place for myself 
because there is no news from you, 
why do not you write to me? 
Zeek I have news for you, 
the girl who was supposed 
to go on maternity leave goes next week, 
it turns out that in a week I will go to work. 
I hope you enjoy my news.
Zeek write me as soon as possible, 
I am very worried.
Your loving Viktoriia.

Hello my love Zeek.
My dear, you say there is still no news from your friend, 
but a lot of time has passed.
I ask you to contact your friend 
and please hurry him, 
I understand that he does not have time, 
he probably does not want to spend 
his time on our problems. 
But now it is very important for us 
to get your money as early as possible. 
Dear, I can not find a place because of the experience, 
I really want to quickly get your money 
and give you all your money back. 
When you solve all the problems, 
I can live in peace. I love you very much, 
thank you for all that you do, 
I will wait for your news. 
Your loving Viktoriia.

Scammer Viktoriia Konevskikh Vika
[email protected]
Street of Builders, 52. Apartment 3, postcode 453252

User comments
Comment #134061
Usual scheme: came out of the blue, claiming she received my email address 
from a dating agency.
First email came from the US, the others from Germany

Comment #134062
She also sent me some videos:

真實詐騙案例, 來自Russia俄羅斯Viktoriia Konevskikh 愛情詐騙
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