真實詐騙案例, Russia俄羅斯Viktoriia Konevskikh (Romance Scam)愛情詐騙


Romance Scam 愛情詐騙
這是一個真實受詐騙的事情! 來自 Russia 俄國的女性 Viktoriia Konevskikh Romance Scam 愛情詐騙!



From Russia 俄羅斯 Viktoriia Konevskikh Romance Scam 愛情詐騙

一群Russia俄羅斯愛情詐騙犯, 死要錢, 騙了台灣70歲老男人USD54,550.- 再加上卡債, 利息, MoneyGram 手續費, 匯差, 向親友借錢匯給這些詐騙集團, 共計約USD70, 000.-

(從桃園 凱基銀行代理的 MoneyGram匯款平台, 匯出)
(去了桃園 凱基銀行好幾拾次, 一個老男人, 通通抱新台幣現金去匯, 
凱基銀行的櫃台先生, 小姐也不多查一下相關文件, 通通匯出) 

這群Russia 俄羅斯愛情詐騙犯, 又寫信來, Viktoriia Konevskikh 是姊姊, 姊姊死了! 她的妹妹Natalia Beklemysheva 叫台灣70歲老男人帶USD2000-3000到Russia 俄羅斯去銀行開戶, 要還給台灣70歲老男人的錢USD70, 000.-! 台灣70歲老男人告訴他們, 又老又病又窮, 需要錢看病, 但這些Russia 俄羅斯愛情詐騙就回信: 没錢!

這些Russia 俄羅斯愛情詐騙犯, 没人性, 没天良, 非常惡劣. 請大家不要上當!


( 台灣70歲老男人共匯USD54,550.- 再加上卡債, 利息, MoneyGram 手續費, 匯差, 向親友借錢匯給這些詐騙集團, 共計約USD70, 000.-)

有一台灣70歲的老男人 Taiwanese, Old man, 70 years old  , 2017/4, 他收到一封來自俄國莫斯科的女性Viktoriia Konevskikh來信, 自稱30歲, 單身, 要與這位台灣老男人交友, 每天寫 Love you, Miss you, Kiss you, Sleep with you 把這個台灣老男人的腦子被洗的糊裡糊塗!以為自己遇見真愛!

2017/4 這俄國女人Viktoriia Konevskikh 開始說她媽媽生病要借錢, 她去莫斯科, 錢包被偷, 流落街頭, 叫台灣老男人用 MoneyGram 匯款平台, 台灣老男人就陸陸續續匯一些美金!

2017/11 這俄國女人Viktoriia Konevskikh 又說要來台灣, 要見面, 要嫁給他, 要成立一個最幸福的家庭! 要辦簽証, 要旅費, 叫台灣老男人匯款!  台灣老男人很高興, 等著要見面¸ 又匯一些美金! 

2018/2這俄國女人Viktoriia Konevskikh 又說她要賣房子, 要付仲介佣金, 要律師費, 要銀行手續費! 且向台灣老男人保証, 待房子處理好, 她保証, 又保証, 再保証, 會把以前欠台灣老男人的錢一起還給他! 叫台灣老男人匯给不同的名字, 因一個人名字匯太多錢, MoneyGram 會退回拒收!

結果, 這位台灣老男人, 從2017/4/27到2018/10/12一共從台灣的凱基銀行, 在桃園的分行, 用 MoneyGram 匯款平台, 匯了USD54, 550, 但這俄羅斯女子Viktoriia Konevskikh, 從來沒還錢, 一毛也沒還錢, 也没來台灣見面! 

但台灣老男人, 不到黃河不死心, 以為自己深入情海,  愛的死去活來, 有外國女人愛我, 好了不起,! 詐騙集團也很厲害, 要叫他匯錢時, 3-7天不給他寫信, 讓台灣老男人, 望穿秋水, 等不到信, 擔心的要命! 

然後, 詐騙集團的信又來了, 說 so sorry, so miss you, love you 她又碰到什麼...什麼困難, 叫台灣老男人匯錢! 當然, 台灣老男人, 腦子被愛情沖昏了頭, 腦子被洗了, 不管三七, 二十一, 借也要借, 又去匯錢了!

2018/12-2019/3, 這俄羅斯女子Viktoriia Konevskikh不斷的編各種理由, 寫信來借錢! 但台灣老男人已經沒錢了, 因他付MoneyGram 很高手續費, 他也用信用卡借錢, 要付利息, 要還卡債, 他還向親友借錢!

2019/8一位自稱妹妹的女人Natalia Beklemysheva, 說 Viktoriia Konevskikh 是她姊姊, 說她姊姊死了! 又繼續寫信來, 又開口說要還台灣老男人的錢, 但需3000美金, 銀行開戶! 台灣老男人回信說沒錢!

Natalia Beklemysheva又來信, 叫台灣老男人去俄羅斯, Airport in Ufa , code
UWUU , Respublika Bashkortostan, 烏法, 俄羅斯巴什科爾托斯坦共和國, 要帶美金USD3, 000.- 去開戶, 還說, 戶名要用他們的名字, 然後, 他們會還他所有的錢 USD70,000.-

台灣老男人, 他在網路交俄羅斯女人¸ 匯款, 借卡債, 向親友借錢! 後來被家裏老婆, 孩子知道, 天天被老婆罵的要死! 一度還把他趕出家門, 趕他出去! 家裡天天吵架, 不得安寧! 他們有去台灣外交部, 警察局, 莫斯科駐台商務代辦處, 金管會報案, 因没邦交, 也沒辦法!

最後, 這台灣老男人悔悵憂鬱去醫院看精神科, 拿抗憂鬱的藥來吃! 
他有把Natalia Beklemysheva 來信. 叫他俄羅斯, UFA 烏法機場的信, 拿给精神科醫生看!

精神科醫生問: 你懂不懂俄文?
台灣老男人說: 不懂!
精神科醫生說: 你去了什麼都不懂, 說不定連回來, 都會有困難!

台灣老男人決定不去了, 也知道整件案子, 從頭到尾都是詐騙, 也公佈這些資料¸希望不要有人再被騙!

( 結果, 用Google一查, 這些人都是愛情詐騙, 他們到處詐騙! 請大家不要上當! 若可以, 請轉傳資料, 讓更多人知道, 免於受騙!) ( 下列有很多網站資料, 也將她的來信, 登錄在留言處,  請參考!)

一群Russia俄羅斯愛情詐騙犯, 死要錢, 騙了台灣70歲老人USD54,550.-
再加上卡債, 利息, MoneyGram 手續費, 匯差, 向親友借錢要還,
共計約USD70, 000.-
(台灣, 桃園的凱基銀行代理的 MoneyGram匯款平台, 匯出)
這個台灣,桃園, 凱基銀行的櫃台行員, 很奇怪,
一個70歲的老男人, 每個星期, 三天二頭的抱著台幣現金,
10~20萬新台幣, 30~40萬新台幣去匯款, 說買電子零件!

現生意這麼難做, 用MoneyGram匯款平台,
要5%手續費, 還要匯差, 更何況是匯到俄羅斯!
凱基銀行的櫃台行員也沒多查一下, 看一下訂單, 海關報單, 收貨單…,
約一年半的時間, 匯出大約54,550美金,
再加上5%手續費, 匯差, 向銀行用信用卡借款利息,

你們也要審查來匯款的人, 不合理的狀況, 以免違法或被詐騙!

這群Russia 俄羅斯愛情詐騙犯, 又寫信來, 說姊姊死了!
她的妹妹叫台灣70歲老人帶USD2000-3000到Russia 俄羅斯去銀行開戶,
要還台灣70歲老人錢! 台灣70歲老人告訴他們又老又病,
但這些Russia 俄羅斯愛情詐騙就回信: 没錢!

這些Russia 俄羅斯愛情詐騙犯没人性, 没天良, 請大家不要上當!

Viktoriia Konevskikh 用很多各種名字, 不同的E-Mail Address 寄信詐騙錢!
網路平台有許多她的資料, 如下:
Name - Viktoriia Konevskikh, viktoriia aleksandrovna, 
City - Salavat
Phone - +791748037231, 79696274029,  79696274168

viktoriiaaleksandrovna86<[email protected]>
viktoriiaaleksandrovna1986<[email protected]>

[email protected]

[email protected]
[email protected]

假名 Fake Name: Vica, Vickky, Vicky, Victora, Victoriia, Victoriya, Victorya, Vika, Viki, Viktiorianna, Viktoria, Viktorichik, Viktoriia, Viktorija, Viktoriunka, Viktoriuska, Viktoriya, Vikusechek, Vikusi, Vikuska

Ekaterinburg (Russia); Nizhniy Novgorod , Russia
Russia, Nizhny Novgorod, Ilinskaya str., house 8, apt 17

Name: Natalia Beklemysheva
1) Address : Salavat, Lenina 54. 
Tel: Russia +796498798686,
2) Address: Salavat, North 36 
Tel: +796086704720

Scammer Viktoriia Konevskikh Vika
[email protected]
Street of Builders, 52. Apartment 3, postcode 453252

User comments
Comment #134061
Usual scheme: came out of the blue, claiming she received my email address from a dating agency.
First email came from the US, the others from Germany

Comment #134062
She also sent me some videos:


真實詐騙案例, 來自Russia俄羅斯Viktoriia Konevskikh 愛情詐騙
這是真實詐騙案例,來自Russia俄羅斯Viktoriia Konevskikh 愛情詐騙信 (1)
這是真實詐騙案例, Russia俄羅斯Viktoriia Konevskikh 愛情詐騙(9)


  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:48 31F
  • 2020/01/19 zeek, ​​I want you to understand me, I’m all friends and relatives waiting until I return the money to them, I spent a lot of money on courts and a lawyer. 
    I understand that you have done a lot to help Victoriia, but understand that I have suffered too. I'm afraid to meet friends on the street, I turn away from them. 
    Because I have no money to repay their debt. 
    zeek I don’t know what to do now how to help you, 
    I was hoping that you would come to Russia and together we would open an account and receive money and all problems would be a thing of the past. 
    But now I can’t help you, I have no way to find money now. But I promise that I will try to return the money to you ...
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:46 30F
  • 2020/01/18 Hello dear Zeek.
    You ask me to send a photo via IPhone, but my phone does not support the camera. 
    I understand that everything you write about me, I understand that you need money to treat health. 
    But to get the money I need 2000-3000 dollars, without this money we can’t open a bank account. 
    But if you do not come to Russia, I don’t know what to do now. You ask for the death certificate of Victoriia, I understand that you do not trust me. 
    But I ask you to come to Russia, I do not ask you for money. But I will try to send you a document soon, if this is so important to you ...
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:44 29F
  • 2020/01/14 Hello dear zeek.
    I am very glad that you correctly understood what I wanted to tell you that you should not worry, and I will meet you at the airport in Ufa UWUU code. 
    Unfortunately, I can’t send you a photo now. I don’t have a camera, but I will try to find a camera in the near future and send you a photo. 
    zeek I would also like to see your photo in order to get to know you at the airport. 
    Now you feel very weak, it’s very correct that you want to see a doctor, I hope you will receive treatment quickly, I worry about you. 
    zeek I want you to remember that to open an account you need to have from 2000-3000 dollars. 
    When we open an account, the bank must send money to this account, do you understand me? 
    I hope that everything will be fine with us, take care of yourself zeek ...
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:42 28F
  • 2020/01/08 Hello dear zeek.
    I am glad that you decided to come to Russia, it is very good, but you have to warn me what date you want to arrive? 
    I think that we can meet at the airport, I will meet you and together we can go to the apartment.
    full name: Natalia Beklemysheva
    full address: Salavat, North 36,
    phone number: +796086704720
    zeek I want you to come to Russia and personally make sure that I did everything to get your money, to return it. 
    I hope that together we will find a solution and return your money. Thank you for believing and trusting me, I am very pleased ...
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:40 27F
  • 2020/01/07 Hello zeek.
    I want to ask you, do you really read my letters and do you understand them, I already answered all these questions and you ask again everything. 
    zeek yes I won all the courts and I had to make a lot of effort and a lot of money. 
    Now the money is in the bank and I have to open a new bank account so that the bank transfers money to this account. 
    zeek bank will not send money to your account, even it does not send money to your aunt's account. 
    I ask you to come to Russia, I will familiarize you with all the documents and together we will open an account and as soon as the bank transfers the money, 
    I can send them to your account from my account. 
    zeek the whole amount that the bank is obliged to pay is 78,000 dollars, I know that the amount was more but I managed to sue other money ...
    If, after all the efforts, the money remains in the bank, I will be very offended, I ask you to find the opportunity to come to Russia. 
    I do not ask you anymore, I do not need your money, I only need you to be in Russia and together we can solve all the problems ...
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:37 26F
  • 2020/01/01 Hello dear zeek.
    I wish you a happy new year, I wish you happiness, good luck and good health. zeek we have distant relatives, 
    I hoped for their help, wrote a letter to them, but the answer came to me that they have a difficult time and they can not help me. 
    I explained that we will return their money immediately after receiving money from the bank, but they still refused. 
    If you come to Russia, you can personally take your money, I no longer have the decision to receive money ...
    I do not know what to do...
    God grant you health ...
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:35 25F
  • 2019/12/26 Hello dear zeek.
    I do not want to bother you every time and write letters to you, but the last relatives I hoped for refused my help yesterday. 
    Now only you can come to Russia and collect your money. 
    I must inform you that before March 4 this is the deadline when we can receive the money, only then the bank’s obligation to pay the money is over.
    If my fault is before you zeek, forgive me ... 
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:32 24F
  • 2019/12/19 Hello dear Zeek.
    I read your letter, after all that my husband did to me, how can I live with him. 
    I realized that he is not the person with whom I can live a happy life, he lived on the money that I earned. 
    Mom is now very weak due to experiences, she still can not believe that Viktoriia is no longer with us. 
    The only happiness is my daughter, I could not live without her, I live for her. 
    You are a very wise and rational person and ask to send you $ 15,000, Zeek, I know how much my sister owes you and I cannot do this to you. 
    Believe me, I didn’t give up, still I’m looking for an opportunity to return the money to you and 
    one fine day you will receive a notification that the money has arrived in your account.
    You can call me Natalia, I understand that you need to return the loan to the bank and your friend, but I ask you not to be angry with Viktoriia, she loved you very much. 
    Zeek, I promise to return the money to you soon, I'm sorry that I asked you for help, I had no other solution and now I don’t ...
    I will keep you posted, Natalia.
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:29 23F
  • 2019/12/13 Hello dear Zeek.
    I carefully read your letter and I understand that you have done a lot for Viktoriia, she wholeheartedly wanted to return everything to you, she asked me with tears in her eyes. 
    Therefore, I want to return all your money, I understand that you now have a lot of debts, I understand everything. 
    But try to understand me, in order to win all the courts against the bank, in all instances it takes a lot of money and effort, but I was able to do it. 
    I got a loan and my mother’s house is already on credit, I work a lot, but my money is enough only to pay the loan. 
    I borrowed all my friends, they are already asking for money, asking for a refund. Zeek, but most of all I want to return the money to you and I would not ask you for money. 
    I understand that you are ready to pay my loan when receiving the money that I will return to you, but I can’t find an opportunity now, please understand. 
    I no longer ask you for Zeek money, find an opportunity to come to Russia, make sure personally that I will return the money to you, then you will understand everything yourself. 
    Maybe you have a friend who is now in Russia and is ready to meet and help me. I honestly don’t know what to do now, forgive me for everything Zeek ...
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:25 22F
  • 2019/03/25 Hello my love Zeek.
    I have read your letter, you say that you are looking for work, I am very worried about you and I wish you to find work faster. 
    Dear, I still can not find a solution to the problem. But I really want to get money faster, I need to quickly begin the trial process in court. 
    It is a pity that you cannot help me for the last time so that I can finish the job, but I will try to find a solution. 
    Dear, if you have a solution, I ask you, no, I beg you to help me for the last time, I promise you will not regret it ...
    Your loving Viktoriia.
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:24 21F
  • 2019/03/21 Hello my love Zeek.
    Thank you for your letter, I am always very pleased to receive your letters. 
    Every day I look for an opportunity to help you faster, I cry at night, I understand that you should not suffer because of my problems. 
    But now helping me you found big problems for yourself, I ask you to forgive me. 
    You say that you have not found a job yet, I very much hope that in the near future you will be able to find a job. 
    Dear your site brings you a lot of money, can you tell me? 
    Zeek, I really hope that soon I will be able to find a solution, but if you have the opportunity, 
    I ask you to help me and you yourself will make sure that I will give you all your money back. I really hope that everything will be fine ...
    Your Viktoriia.
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:22 20F
  • 2019/03/18 Hello my love Zeek.
    I read your letter, you say that I forget about your site, why? Do you make a lot of money on your site? 
    Zeek tell me how are you, could you find a job? I understand that you had a lot of problems because of me, 
    but I hope that everything will be fine in the near future, I promise that I will try to solve the problem quickly. 
    All my life I will thank you for all that you have done for me ..
    Your loving Viktoriia.
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:20 19F
  • 2019/03/15 Hello my dear zeek.
    I read your letter, I did not quite understand why I should visit your site, I tried to go to your site, but I can’t do anything, I don’t know why. 
    My dear, I have a lot of work right now, I work a lot, I want to earn money to pay the state fee, but I don’t get it, I don’t know what to do now.
    Dear, I ask you to figure out how we can pay 1000 dollars, time does not play for us, you understand me. 
    I am very ashamed in front of you, I know that brought you a lot of problems, a lot of pain. 
    I have to find a solution to help you and get your money back, I hope then you can forgive me ...
    Your Viktoriia.
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:18 18F
  • 2019/03/14 Hello my love Zeek.
    I received your letter, I did not quite understand what you meant, you want me to sell cosmetics in Russia? 
    My dear, thank you for wanting to help me, but I did not quite understand what you meant, I ask you to explain to me. 
    If this helps me make money, I will be very grateful to you. You know that I now need $ 1,000 to begin the process of the proceedings, after all will be fine. 
    Thank you for everything, your Viktoriia.
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:17 17F
  • 2019/3/13 Hello my love Zeek.
    I read your letter, I understand everything about what you write to me, I understand everything about what you tell me. 
    But understand that I have no sister now, she refused me because of the money. 
    I do not want to blame his husband for everything, I think that the sister’s fault is also present, we do not speak with her. 
    I can not ask her for money, I will definitely find a solution to get all the money. 
    I will do everything to help you solve your problems faster, forgive me for asking for your money again, but now I cannot find a solution. 
    I will not lose hope, get money ... Forgive me for all the problems I brought you. Your loving Viktoriia.
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:16 16F
  • 2019/03/08 Hello my love Zeek.
    I read your letter and I understand you, you have no money now and you really did everything to help me, but I brought you problems and I am very ashamed of it. 
    I ask you to understand every day it will be harder for me to get money from the bank, time plays on them, do you understand me? 
    Therefore, I asked you to send me money for a state fee. I do not know when I can get the money, but I promise that I will do everything possible.
    Your loving Viktoriia.
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:14 15F
  • 2019/03/05 Hello my love Zeek.
    My dear, I read your letter, understand, I can't find the money now, but I'm not going to give up, 
    maybe in the future I can earn this money, maybe I can get a loan, but you know that because of my bad credit history I was not approved credit because we sued many times with the bank. 
    Zeek I will never forget what you did for me and my family, I still give you all your money back. 
    Now you and I have big problems, but I really hope that together we will solve all the problems. 
    Zeek I will do everything to get money, but I do not know how long I need ...
    Your Viktoriia.
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:13 14F
  • 2019/01/10 Hello my love Zeek.
    I read your letter, it is very painful for me to read what you write to me, I am very sorry that all this happened. 
    I understand that all your problems are now due to me. You lost your job, I really hope that you can find a job, I will pray for you. 
    Are you saying that you are alone now, what about your wife? Why does your daughter forbid you to see your grandson?
    Zeek, I swore to you and I promise I will never leave you. If you are alone now we can build our family with you, you know how I love you and want to have a family with you. 
    You are my life, you have done a lot for me and my family, I will never leave you. 
    Dear Zeek, I will do everything to quickly get the money and come to you, I will leave everything and we will be together, do you understand me? 
    I promise I will make you the happiest ...
    Your loving Viktoriia.

  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:12 13F
  • 2018/12/07 Hello my love Zeek.
    Dear tell me what's going on, surely your friend still cannot find a solution to send me money, this situation makes me worry. 
    Of course, I understand that he works, but a lot of time has passed and he really cannot send money, just to contact you? 
    I can not find a place for myself because there is no news from you, why do not you write to me? 
    Zeek I have news for you, the girl who was supposed to go on maternity leave goes next week, it turns out that in a week I will go to work. I hope you enjoy my news.
    Zeek write me as soon as possible, I am very worried.
    Your loving Viktoriia.
  •   mary999 於 2020-01-21 17:10 12F
  • 2018/12/04 Hello my love Zeek.
    My dear, you have not written to me since December 1, everything is fine, 
    I understand that your friend did not answer you, but I ask you to write me because I am very worried about my dear. I hope that you will write to me as soon as possible ..
    Your loving Viktoriia.