Smells of Roses (把悲傷留給自己) 英文版



Smells of Roses

行人立馬意遲遲 深心未忍輕分付
回頭一笑  花間歸去  只恐被花知

花園之中 置身花叢
玫瑰花香 芬芳馥鬱
陽光溫柔 撫摸樹影
紫色飛舞 蘯漾我身

潺潺流水 永不停息
猶如愛情 需要指引
微風拂面 我心輕吟
所有感傷 遠離我身

漫漫長夜 如期來臨
困擾心頭 久不離去
漫長黑夜 圍繞我身
問我能否 望穿陰影

若你離去 誰來代替
孤身一人 守候此地
既已如此 何需逃避
你若離去 何時再回 再回

用我一生 尋你蹤跡
天涯何處 許我尋覓
如今看透 不再癡迷
玫瑰花欉 容我棲身

玫瑰花欉 容我棲身 棲身
如今看透 玫瑰花欉 棲身
玫瑰花欉 香氣撲鼻 縈繞我身


Smells of Roses
Here in the garden, among the flowers
Smells of roses that fill my head
And the sun beams through the tree trunks
Dancing around me in purple red

And the river's always flowing
And like love it finds its way
I sing my song when the wind blows
All misgivings I will allay

But what if night time lingers over
Stay forever around my heart
And the shadows will all surround me
Could I see though it's so dark

And what if your love goes away now
Leave me lost here and all alone
Oh, Could I find a way through it
Could I live here when you are gone, are gone

Cos I've been searching through my whole life
For a place to call my own
Now I finally have found what I love
Among roses I found my home

But what if night time lingers over
Stay forever around my heart
And the shadows will all surround me
Could I see though it's so dark

And what if your love goes away now
Leave me lost here and all alone
Could I find a way through it
Could I live here when you are gone

Here in the garden among the flowers
Smells of roses that fill my head
Now I finally have found what I love
Among roses I found my home, my home
Now I finally have found my home, my home